We all knew how WhatsApp grabbed the ultimate attention of people within no time. Every time WhatsApp come up with some exciting features too..just like WhatsApp video calls, WhatsApp web, and new emojis etc. This time WhatsApp has come up with an interesting update. Whatsapp has introduced a new way for people to express themselves with stickers. Whatsapp gives you access to connect with third-party application to create your own customized stickers. At least once all thought “how we can create such stickers” right??
So we have come up with an answer. You can create your own customized stickers for yourself.
Presenting you the step by step guide to follow.
Step 1
First of all, you need to create a sticker in PNG format and save it on your phone.
Step 2
Android users shall go to their play store and download Sticker Maker for WhatsApp.
Step 3
Sign in to the app and click “Create A new sticker pack”. You will be asked to give the sticker pack name & author name.
Step 4
You will see the thumbnail of the album and you need to upload a minimum of 3 pictures for the app to upload your album in WhatsApp. All you need is to move your fingers across the section of the picture you want to crop for making the sticker. Click on the save option available after finishing the work.
Step 5
You can publish the sticker pack once you have finished with the work. The published album cannot be edited or deleted. Remember you have to add a minimum of 3 images in the album.
Step 6
Open your WhatsApp and smiley option. you can find smileys, GIF and stickers. select stickers and you can see the sticker pack you published earlier.
Please Note: You can use this process in Android only.
We are actually loving it… it’s an easy process and you will be very happy to create your own customized stickers. We believe that these custom made stickers can overshadow the traditional smileys.